If you need advice urgently please contact:
Phone school on 01282 882150
Phone the school mobile: 07379 241 143
Email school on: enquiries@theheightsburnley.com
- Supporting Young People On-Line – Information Leaflet
- Instructions to log onto the On-Line Learning Platform: Seesaw
- Letter to parents: Mobile Data Increase
- Letter to parents: NHS Test and Trace: COVID-19 testing for staff and students
- Letter to parents with updated information for Covid-19 testing procedure
- Cov-19 Guidance for Parents
- Behaviour Policy: Addendum Version 3
- Conduct Policy Cov-19 Addendum (updated 26th August 2020)
- Returning to School : Guidance for Primary School Pupils
- Returning to School : Guidance for Secondary School Pupils
- Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge will be holding an assembly about the importance of mental health amongst children. Click the link to access: Assembly by Kate Middleton
- Conduct Policy Covid-19 Addendum
- Safer Travelling: Guidance from the Department for Education
- Useful contact numbers: Never Alone
- CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) have pooled together some resources for mental health & well being for parents/carers and professionals to use. Click this link to access their website.
- Here is a booklet for pupils to work through whilst at home: Booklet 1 and some information for parents Booklet 2
- First News are currently offering free downloads of their weekly newspaper. Click here to subscribe.
- Starline Home Learning Helpline – This is a sector-led initiative to provide support for parents and carers who have concerns or queries about educating their children at home
- Guide to School Closure for Parents from Lancashire County Council
- Signposting of Mental Health advice and resources from Lancashire County Council
- Addendum to the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy (30th March 2020)
- Questions to ask your child whilst in self-isolation
- Click here for information regarding Helping Children cope with stress at this time
- Click here for letter dated Monday 23rd March regarding school closure
- Click here for letter sent out to parents on 19th March 2020 regarding school closure.
- Click here for letter sent out to parents on 17th March 2020
- Click here for letter sent out to parents on 26th February 2020
- Click here for the link to instructions to access the On-line Learning platform
- Public Health England : Advice
COVID-19 Links for Latest Information:
At The Heights, we are following the latest advice regarding COVID-19.There are general principles pupils can follow to help prevent the spread of respiratory viruses within school, including:
- washing your hands often – with soap and water. This is particularly important after taking public transport
- covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throwing the tissue in a bin.
- pupils who feel unwell with symptoms such as cough, difficulty in breathing, fever should stay at home and should not attend school.
- pupils, students, staff and visitors should wash their hands:
- before leaving home
- on arrival at school
- after using the toilet
- after breaks and sporting activities
- before food preparation
- before eating any food, including snacks
- before leaving school
- avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
- avoid close contact with people who are unwell
- clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- if you are worried about your symptoms or those of a child or colleague, please call NHS 111. Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment
- see further information on the Public Health England Blog and the NHS UK website.